Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Ms. "Tecate" Cerveza

If this beer were a woman...

she would have a slight albeit cute bitterness to her aura. Like she has a decent sized chip on her shoulder, but this by no means drives her to work hard at her profession or party hardy. At the same time, this not a leading to exciting rash actions or being a bit nutty in a fun way, so no fun craziness. At first you think this is a reflection that she is accepting of her nature and well failure in life, but then you realize she's happy with her life despite the fact that it is not that exciting of one; she certainly doesn't get your motor revving. This acceptance and happiness with the simplicity of her life causes you to respect her, but you really do not enjoy her company a great ton. She is just too down and out to excite you. You realize she may be a good thoughtful friend, who can always over you perspective on things. However, she is a bit of a Debbie Downer...but don't worry she is not a Sober Sally, those b****es be the worst.

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