Monday, April 1, 2013

Mr. Heavy Seas Loose Cannon Hop3 IPA

If this beer were a man...
 ...he would love both steak and granola. His facial hair would be scruffy in a way that left you unsure whether he was attempting to grow a goatee, or whether laziness had resulted in a 5 0'clock shadow to the nth degree. He would kiss passionately with an unexpected depth, and with the bittersweet (and demandingly masculine) chaffing of facial hair against the softness of your cheek. He would be in love with the outdoors, and hardcore enough to go camping for a weekend at Acadia National Park in Maine in late October. While sharing the intimacy of a 2-person tent with you in the snow, he would be surprisingly in touch with in emotions and desires. And you would be delighted to learn that he was also the kind of man who owned a disabled a 3-legged bunny.

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