Sunday, March 31, 2013

Ms. Leffe Blonde

If this beer were a woman...

she'd have a sunny disposition, and surprise surprise be blonde; however despite this she would not flaunt herself or her golden locks or her athletic body. This lady spent time in an abbey...making you wonder whether she is of deep faith or if she has similar behavioral tendencies to that of a naughty preacher's daughter, both of you which you find appealing in very, very different ways.  Spending time with this women in all arenas of life always go smoothly. She is low maintenance and puts the needs of others in front of her own as reflected in her job as a nurse at the local hospital treating the elderly. Your only worry about her is that at times she will be too nice for her own good, leaving her vulnerable to be preyed upon. She even gave away your birthday gift to someone else who crossed her path who was in more need. You want to ask for help with things, but you are racked with apprehension and guilt when doing so because you know no matter what she will say yes. Her kind nature makes you feel as though you may not be worthy of her affection and that same nature infuriates you when she gives away your birthday gift to some goddamn homeless guy on the street. She is the sweetest b**** you'll ever meet. And no her name is not Sammi.

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