If this beer were a man...
...he would live up to his name, and yet, somehow manage to have a lovable quality to him (well, after a beer or two anyway...). His high energy and dizzying use of four syllable words and professional jargon makes for a harsh first impression. But the more time you spend with him, you realize that although he's not the kind of guy that you want by your side 24/7 (or living in your home), he definitely fills a niche in your life. In fact, you soon find that he becomes one of your favorite late night drinking buddies: he's animated, enthusiastic, willing to sing karaoke at the drop of a hat, and his heavy drinking habits always make you look that much more responsible. Yes, he has more than a few mother issues, and he's not the kind of friend you would aspire to have too far into adulthood. (You've considered adding an addendum to your "Before 30 Bucket List" to kick the habit of bar hopping with him by the time you enter your third decade.) But for right now, he offers a much needed dose of political incorrectness that you need at the end of a long week, and sometimes on a Tuesday night...